Tag Brush


In this assignment we created a brush out of the original black and white logo we made in a previous assignment. 
We started by making a border around our original logos, and with that we added scratches, paint splatter, and different lighting to pull off that realistic spray painted effect. 
With this tag brush I decided to try to make somewhat of a 3D/glitched look. I made three different effects of these starting off with cool colors, then moving to warm colors, and to add a touch I decided to go in with a green to add more color to the work. Along with that I added some grey splatter around it all to pull off a more realistic looking piece, and fill some of that empty white space. 
I really liked this project and I'm glad I learned how to make a brush like this, and turn something basic into something fun. I had a lots of pleasure playing with the different colors, and adding dimension to the piece, I'm happy with how it turned out in the end. 


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